Lya Elcagu & Tate di Chiazza in Vienna

Workshops with Lya Elcagu & Tate di Chiazza

Workshop Lya Elcagu Tate di Chiazza Lillis Ballroom Tango Wien Vienna Tango Inside Out

Wednesday, 5 October, 19:30-21:00, @Lillis Ballroom
All About Axis
A deep understanding of what “axis” means and how we can play with dependent and independent axises to master a better posture and connection. You will find more stability and possibilities for a playful dance. We will apply the technique to Crosses and Enganches (backward crosses)!

21:00-24:00, Welcome Milonga with DJ Matjaz Kovse

Thursday, 6 October, 19:30-21:00, @Atelier SOL
Organic Embrace 
We will seek a comfortable and flexible embrace and how through it we can express different states and manifest the music that inspires us. We will work on the understanding of how important and communicative the embrace is. We will not do magic tricks, we will create magical sensations.

21:00-01:00, Milonga @Tangobar, Schwarzspanier Str. 13, Show of Lya & Tate

Friday, 7 October, 19:30-21:00, @Galeria Ideal
Tension and Release
Use your whole body as a dancing tool!  When and how do we use tension and release in our dance? You will learn and discover this beautiful game of tension and release, and we will apply it to fun and elastic movements. Did you ever hear about ochos colgados? Don’t miss it!

Saturday, 8 October, @Atelier SOL
16:00-17:30, Playful Sacadas
We will understand and play with concepts of Sacadas to color up your dance and let you fall in love with them as we did!
18:00-19:30, Let’s hook it up | Ganchos!
It’s not only so easy to get hooked on but also to get tangled up in ganchos! Let’s discover together a fun and comfortable way to play with them!

To register, click here. If you have any questions, write us.

1 Workshop 30 Euro (early bird 25 Euro)
2 Workshops 55 Euro (early bird 48 Euro)
3 Workshops 80 Euro (early bird 66 Euro)
4 Workshops 100 Euro (early bird 85 Euro)
5 Workshops 120 Euro (early bird 100 Euro)

Find out more about Lya and Tate on their personal websites:
Lya Elcagu | Movetocreate
Tate di Chiazza | Tate Tango